
🌀The Founder

I was born in Los Angeles, in 1968, to Cuban/American parents.  I lost my right eye at the age of 1 to cancer.  Other than than I had a pretty normal childhood, and by normal I mean played outside a lot, rode my bike all over, and played an endless array of early video games as well as board games and paper games of all kinds.

Shortly after college I got my first job in the video game business answering phones.  I worked my way into writing instruction manuals, then designing games, then handling the production of them.  I was very fortunate to work on some really genre defining games in a variety of roles until I started my own company.

Liquid was an amazing experience.  When we finally closed down fifteen years later, I took a year off and got reacquinted with my family.  By then I had a wonderful wife and two blossoming boys.

By the end of the year I was doing consulting for a variety of companies and that's what I've been doing professionally ever since.

About 2 years ago, I started feeling like a cigarette salesman.  A digital cigarette salesman, selling addictive distraction.  I started to consider other options.  It was about that time that The Church of Wellness first came to me.  I was starting to learn about health and wellness on a level that I'd never known before,(thank you internet) and I kept thinking, "Why isn't Health & Wellness a religion?"  They idea remained passively in my head until earlier this year, when I began to equate exercising with "going to church".  The idea of codifying a set of beliefs and rituals around health and wellness began to form.

Then the catalyst. In February of this year (2024), I decided to do a full work up and get a full rundown on my health.  The stress test I took at the cardiologist revealed that I had blockage in my arteries.  At first, it was treated with medicine, diet, and exercise, but very quickly it became clear that this wouldn't be enough.  I had an angiogram soon after, and that revealed that I have blockages in all four major arteries at 80+%.  Quadruple bypass surgery was fast tracked.

The surgery was scheduled for May the 4th (be with me), and I was a little scared.  It got me creating this website and, I thought, that if I made it through this I'd be dedicating an ever-growing part of my life to creating a codified set of thoughts, beliefs, and practices around health and wellness for the body, mind, and spirit.  A religion, if you will, about being in harmony with yourself and the world and finding your own individual path to wellbeing.

I did survive the surgery and as I count the blessing of each day I'm given, I work towards the unification of spirit, mind, and body, in an understandable and followable set of guideline, to help people take a religious interest in the health and wellness of all three of these spheres, to help people value their impact on the environment, to help people understand the impact their environment has on them, and to allow for a path to harmony using that understanding.

Why a Church?

I started the Church of Wellness as a result of a life changing discovery about how bad my health was.  I figured, if I approached my Wellness as a religion that I would take it more seriously, and have better results than ever before.  I was right.  The more I thought this way the more I realized that Wellness can, and should, be a religion, with it's own set of beliefs, practices, and rituals.  
A religion focussed on the health and wellbeing of all creatures and things in this world, without judgement, and in full acceptance of wherever you may be and wherever you may wish to go, so long as that path brings you, and the the world around you, into a better state of being.
What this isn't is a one-size-fits-all-dogmafest.  Every human is different and the items of this religion are meant to be studied and understood as they might apply to you.  Should you feel that certain teachings aren't right for you, release them, if you feel the opposite, embrace them.  You should always consider your situation and find your own path.
This religion is a guide to better living.  Take what you find useful and discard the rest. Live your own, health and wellness practice and find harmony with yourself and the world around you.