
I. Hope is the Key
It is very easy in this era to take for granted the seen and completely disregard the unseen.  To imagine that all that is, is before us and that we have all the data and know all we need to know.  It is important to cultivate an understanding that the world and your life are constantly unfolding and changing and that there is still much we don't know and much that is unseen.  If you can believe in the unseen and the unknown, then you can have hope.  Because what is hope if not the understanding and anticipation of an outcome or reality that is, as yet, currently unknown.  Hope is the root of joy and happiness.  As hope manifests the world becomes a truly magical place and when things are most grim, hope is the understanding that there are good possible outcomes that we can't foresee.  Hope is the ability to look up at a cloudy sky and know that the sun is still shining on the other side. 

II. Good Mind, Body, and Spirit is the Goal.
Good Sleep, Good Food, Good Movement, and Good Stressors is the path forward.