
These meditations are small passages for you to think on.  They provide the grain of sand from which you can create a pearl.


Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world.


You are what you believe yourself to be.

Your beliefs shape you and make you who you are.


People yell when they are powerless, or feel powerless, in a given situation.

They are attempting to forcibly take control because they have no other methods left.

There is almost never any reason to yell.  Look for another way to change the situation or let it rest.


THe world impresses on us to
"work hard / play hard".  

Try to "Work Easy / Play Easy". Soften your approach to life.



Growth happens when you truly rest.


Let go of the need to win.  Grab hold of having fun.  In this way you win regardless of the activity's outcome.


Where was your food invented?


Who Owns Your Life?

You can spend your life living your dream or helping someone else live theirs.

Either you are setting your goals or you are having them set for you.

Live your dream or spend your time helping someone else live their dream.


Wellness Always and Wellness All Ways


We’re all in this Together.

Each of us is holding a single piece of a billion piece puzzle, and not until we all come together and cooperate that we are able to put it all together.


We perceive things as solid but but everything's natural state is fluid and we apply the heat of our attention to them to return them to their natural state.


We despise in others those things we wish we weren’t ourselves.


The two most wasteful segments of the population are the ignorant, because they don't know evough, and the wealthy because they don't care enough.


Vuja Dé is the act of seeing something familiar in a fresh new way.


Time is the only currency you have in this world.

Examine how you SPEND your time.


Value Friends.  When you are alone, you die earlier.


What is your vice?  What is that thing which you refuse to let go of that you know isn't good for you?


Thinking > Planning > Doing > Finishing!


Practice thinking with your mind rather than your mouth.


Create the Vision.
Think up a Strategy based on it. List your Tactics based on that.

A Vision without action is a dream. Action without a vision is a nightmare.


The worst enemy of man, is man.


The World is Backwards.

Diamonds are valuable, people are in charge of things they know little about, etc. Don't try to make the illogical world logical.


There is no Perfection

If you want things to be perfect you will never act. You have to go through the suck before you get to the succeed.


Theatre vs. Practicality

There is the theater of the act and the practicality of it. Try to distance yourself from the theatre of the act and focus on the practicality of it.


The worst thing about making decisions is not making them. 

Waiting, postponing, doubting, researching too much — it’s all useless. Decide firmly and go forward. If you make the wrong decision, recover and make another decision.


If you can find the truth in the message, even if poorly delivered or said by a person you don't trust, then you have a superpower.


We live in an age where the lines between fact, fiction, and feelings is very blurry.


The only thing standing between you and your dream are your fears.